Lead with Integrity!

AesirX helps businesses transition from outdated and illegal third-party cookies and tracking to a decentralized and compliant, first-party data approach.

Replaces Google Analytics for CMS & e-commerce


Limitless Possibilities

Free & easy plugin installation for WordPress, Joomla, & Drupal


Open  Source Freemium Options up to Enterprise Tiers

AesirX Consent Management Platform
AesirX Consent Management Platform

Block ALL tracking until consent is given, ensuring full compliance.

Let users decide how their data is used, building trust & loyalty.

Simplify & automate the compliance process with minimal overhead.

AesirX Consent Management Platform
AesirX Analytics
AesirX Analytics

Make informed decisions with cookie-free analytics & user-friendly dashboards.

Ensure privacy compliance by collecting & analyzing first-party data.

Personalize experiences with real-time, compliant data.

AesirX Analytics
AesirX First-Party Server
AesirX First-Party Server

Take control of your data; ensure security & privacy.

Benefit from secure storage solutions designed with compliance in mind.

Cut data-sharing risks under EU & US data laws.

AesirX First-Party Server
The Web3 Effect

The Web3 Effect

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Decentralized Consent Model
Decentralized Consent Model

Give Users Control Over Their Data
Foster trust through transparent and ethical data practices.

Decentralized Data Management
Decentralized Data Management

Comply with Evolving Privacy Regulations
Strengthen data processes, meet ISO standards, and minimize risks/fines.

Decentralized Marketing
Decentralized Marketing

Comprehensive Age and Residency Verification
Ensure authenticated, secure, and compliant online engagement with users.

Get Started with
AesirX First-Party Product Suite

Arrange a Free Consultation with an R Digital Partner

Unsure if you even need to switch to AesirX First-Party Product Suite?

Try our Free Privacy Scanner to check your compliance rating and get a free privacy status report.

Free Privacy Scanner
Free Privacy Scanner